Hard work pays off: How an online degree helped an apprentice become a project manager

April 12, 2024

AlamoONLINE Communications

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Read about his decision—this could be the push you need to start.

St. Philip’s College alumnus Jack Spurlock began his career working long hours in harsh conditions. He enjoyed his job but was ready for a change.

"I started as an apprentice digging ditches and worked my way up to foreman, but I knew this wasn't my lifelong goal," he said.

That’s when Jack boldly decided to earn his associate degree in Business Management Technology from St. Philip’s College.

This transformed his career — he applied his newfound management skills to become a project manager in his company.

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“In the field, I can apply the management skills I've learned to enhance our efficiency."

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Jack's story showcases how combining education with on-the-job experience can open new opportunities. His example is proof that a current job does not have to define their future career.

Read more on how earning an online degree can transform your professional and personal growth.

Enhance your skill set

With over 80 industry-aligned online degree plans, the Alamo Colleges offer programs in fields like Business Management, Operations Management, and Computer Information Systems. These programs deepen your technical knowledge and equip you with essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

“Before enrolling, I was in the dark. I didn’t know what some of the terminology meant but after completing coursework at St. Philip’s College, I’m at the same field level as our managers,” Jack shared.

Learn with a full-time work schedule

An online degree offers flexibility and convenience to fit into a busy lifestyle. For Jack, he balanced an education with his full-time job.

“Traveling around Texas, I couldn’t be face-to-face. But at the end of the day, I could go back to the hotel room and log on to submit assignments.”

Jack also describes his experience as an online learner as “just not a number in the classroom; it's more personable, and you learn a lot about yourself.”

Demonstrate your expertise

A degree shows employers your commitment and expertise — demonstrating to employers that you have pursued, completed, and acquired industry-specific knowledge.

Jack says his degree gave him a competitive edge. “Employers look for an understanding of business operations and skills like problem-solving, leadership tactics, and quality management."

Access college resources

Earning a college degree can seem like a big task, but the Alamo Colleges District offers resources like enrollment coaches, financial aid, and tutoring. You can also save time and money with low-cost tuition, two-year degree programs, and free book rentals through AlamoBOOKS+.

“I received a lot of help with financial aid, and the tuition cost was significantly lower than my previous education at a university,” added Jack.

Keep your skills fine-tuned

Alamo Colleges students, alumni, or employees receive FREE Coursera access for six months. These flexible online programs allow you to brush up on current skills or learn new ones, enhancing your qualifications and opening doors to advancement.

Ready to advance your career?

Do you have a story similar to Jack's? Were there any details that hit close to home? It’s your time to transform your career by earning a degree.

We’re ready to help you get started! Fill out the form below to speak with an enrollment coach today.

Get the support that's made for you

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process

• Guide you in the enrollment process for fully online courses

• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

Contact us today.


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